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For using snapshots in your BYOC custom runners, ensure that the following quotas are available in your cloud account.


QuotaRecommended LimitNotes
Concurrent snapshot copies per destination Region50Increase this if multiple snapshots are getting created in the same region in parallel.
CompleteSnapshot requests per account100Increase this if multiple snapshots are getting created in an account across regions in parallel.
Concurrent snapshots per General Purpose SSD (gp3) volume100We use gp3 as the EBS SSDs, so it is recommended to increase it to a larger value.
Pending snapshots per account100This is required for cases where AWS receives snapshot request and marks it as pending.
GetSnapshotBlock requests per account5,000 per secondUsed for EBS creation and snapshot creation.
PutSnapshotBlock requests per account5,000 per secondUsed for snapshot creation to write the data blocks from EBS to snapshot.
Snapshots per Region100,000
StartSnapshot25 per secondThe number of simultaneous requests to start creating snapshots.
Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp3) volumes, in TiB100If there are additional EC2 instances outside of WarpBuild that are using gp3 storage we recommend to increase the storage limit to a larger number based on your requirements.
AMIs50,000The maximum number of public and private AMIs allowed per Region. These include available, pending, and disabled AMIs, and AMIs in the Recycle Bin.


Snapshots are retained for a maximum of 15 days. After this period, the snapshot is automatically deleted.