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Preinstalled Software

Ubuntu 22.04 with x86-64

The tooling installed on the Ubuntu 22.04 runner is the same as the GitHub-hosted runner. You can find the list of preinstalled software here.

Ubuntu 22.04 with ARM64

GitHub does not provide ARM64 runners. WarpBuild provisioned ARM64 runners are based on the upstream ubuntu:22.04 image. Please install the required tooling using the apt package manager before using it in your workflows.

MacOS 13 with ARM64

The tooling installed on the MacOS runner is the same as the GitHub-hosted M1 runner. You can find the list of preinstalled software here.

MacOS 14 with ARM64

The tooling installed on the MacOS runner is the same as the GitHub-hosted M1 runner. You can find the list of preinstalled software here.


While the tooling installed on the runners is the same as the GitHub-hosted runners, we have made some customizations to the runner configurations to improve the performance and reliability of the runners. Notably, these customizations include caching of container images for faster access.